
Showing posts from August, 2024

Elections 2024: A ‘Course Correction’ for the BJP?

Let us take a look back at the 2024 Lok Sabha election results, once again. Read from one side, one single party has as many seats as its main opposition put together, in its combined strength. The BJP did lose as many as 60 seats, reaching nowhere near the 400 paar, but yet it did hold on to enough to score a third consecutive majority (though not, on its own), forming a government beating incumbency, almost! A third term was almost incredible, in times like these when coalitions are becoming more common globally. Whether one wants to accept it or not, the BJP did more than well, for a third consecutive term. Only that it was claiming it will get more, the final numbers may look like a climb down. The PM was sworn in for a record third time. Read, from the other side, from the perspective of the opposition, every other party was a winner, too. The INDI Alliance was also beaming, just as much. Managing a breakthrough when all was being written off. There was more than hope; there was h

Budget 2024: Tourism Gets Short Shrift: Marketing Budget Slashed to Zero

Another year, when ‘tourism’ is being short-changed; Budget 2024 must revisit the need to market inbound tourism, considering the growth of overall infrastructure, including the convention business. Our PM is the best ambassador for India’s ‘tourism’, he has mentioned tourism a few times more than all our past PMs ever did collectively. And yet, ‘tourism’ gets short shrift in the budget allocation for 2024/25 for promotion of Destination India. Yet again, repeatedly, year on year! As the budget gets discussed and before it is passed, here is hoping ‘tourism’ gets a second consideration from the Hon’ble FM, and gets its due, as a serious business activity for the Indian economy. Budget 2024 has been no exception. For tourism, that is. Per se, for this industry, no special announcement, except perhaps, if you do the reading right, a further downgrade in the scheme of things. In a budget of the size of a few lakh crores, the expense on publicity has been scaled down from 100 crores to 33

The Ambani Wedding Extravaganza: The Big Fat Indian Wedding Got Better

Can it get any bigger? Unlikely. The Ambani wedding was one that was never seen before, and unlikely to be seen again. All their three children are happily married; for the next wedding, we will have to wait for the next generation. Unlikely to happen in the life span of many of us. Unfortunately, or otherwise, weddings in India are an occasion to make a statement to your friends and family, business associates and even people at large. It is not for no reason we have that unique Indian phenomenon called ‘the Big Fat Indian Wedding’. The bigger you are, the fatter it becomes. And what you spend is seen as a revelation of your wealth and standing in society. A common sight at venues is the ultra hooh haah that goes with an average well-to-do businessman’s family wedding; a few crores here and there, is always a statement, like it or not. It is ultimately ‘yours’ to choose. How classic or how subtle you want to be, or how brazen and ‘right in your face’ extravagant celebrations, you want