Cloudbursts, Rapes, Abuse, Peace in Ukraine and Harmony at Home

Apathy, pure and simple! Cloudbursts can’t be stopped but casualties and resulting havoc can be minimised. Speedy help can be ensured to be there in place just in time when lives matter. Every time we regularise unauthorised construction or colonies, when we decide to extend the so-called basic needs like electricity and drinking water, never is the construction itself tested for quality which it had never adhered to, in the first place, not having been subjected to any building norms. Are we always brushing aside the root issue? Are we only cementing tragedies, promoting cosmetic surgeries, to become unmitigated disasters in the future. All the constructions along river banks, elsewhere, in numerous developments even in urban landscapes, there are tragedies waiting to be knocked on their doors, in times of excessive rains and other natural catastrophe. In every JJ colony, in numerous 1000 plus colonies either regularised or waiting to be regularised before every next assembly election...