
Elections 2024: Countdown Begins

This is that time of the year that comes every five years. When passions are highest, often reason takes a back seat. There is so much at stake, as the voter choice will decide who and how the nation will run its course for the next five years. A third term for PM Modi appears the most likely outcome, but then there can be surprises, and how and by whom? Why the 2024 elections are important, even more so than before? Even if we look back to five years ago, at 2019, much has changed. There is a more aspirational India, a Bharat on the rise; stakes are higher for all political parties, some for their survival as this may well be their last year to stay in circulation, for others to break free from old alliances that are no longer relevant, and yet others who have fire in their belly, see themselves as harbingers of a new India. And, it is time to see what is happening to the world around us? Currents around us: we are different and how? Look at what is happening in Pakistan, post their n

The Original Returns!Test Match Cricket is Just as Much Fun!

After a hiatus, we were back to watching a five-day series, a far cry from the quick fix T20 and its older version of ODI, the 20 overs and 50 overs miracles introduced to the game only recently. Before then, it was only the five days’ matches, tending to become monotonous and long drawn out, tuk-tuk, with the likes of Bapu Nadkarni bowling 26 of his 29 overs as maidens. Easily, looking back, the time had come for a disruption and it did. Another remarkable ‘Made in India’, the T20 brand of cricket. Much like the 2-minute instant noodles that changed the history of how Indians changed the game in Indian food. But, what did we see during these games. As we go into print, four from the five-day matches have concluded. Not long drawn out draws, as we used to encounter long time back, but invariably, not even entering the fifth day! What a change to see and consider. The term ‘bazball’ has been invented with the English thinking they were inventing that form of fast cricket. But whosoever

Ayodhya Reborn! A Good time to Usher Ram Rajya

An awesome ceremony, a rare consecration, an event unlike any other. Evoking the spirit of Lord Ram can be the best deterrent to voices of division and despair, a time to give and take and live in peace and progress. Some thoughts on India going forward at a pivotal moment in time in our nation’s history. Last month is etched in stone, literally. All those concerned, a triple engine development, which would include the centre, the state and the trust put all hands-on deck, leaving no stone unturned, beautifully chiselled in all the mastery that Indian artisans are famous for, globally. From the temples of yore, to this modern-day marvel. With this, the Ayodhya temple issue finally resolved itself, in the inauguration of the Ram temple! Resolved, or entered the next phase, only time can tell. It took a while, starting from the Rath Yatra of LK Advani and the demolition of the masjid. It is now all history, as another chapter unfolded on 22nd January last month. There was no looking back

Rahul Yatra 2.0: Bharat Jodo, as the India Alliance falls Apart

An ironic statement of unity when the alliance itself is falling apart. If the idea was to come together and put up a joint opposition to the ruling dispensation, this is looking like a pipe dream at present. Was this alliance too idealistic, too presumptuous, and even premature? With such disparate people and programmes between them, a more practical programme would have been simple seat sharing wherever the lead players are eating into each other’s votes. Just that, plain and simple Starting from Manipur on January 14th, we saw the Rahul Yatra 2.0 make an East to West push for an India, free from division. Ironically, as the yatra broke up for rest, in those two days while Rahul was in Delhi, the carpet was moved from under the INDIA Alliance feet. Right under their nose, as the alliance leaders helplessly saw the playing out of the 9th incarnation of Nitesh Kumar as the chief minister of Bihar. The alliance lost yet another of its pillars, after Mamta had declared she would go it al

Time to Accelerate our Soft Power with our neighbours

In our immediate neighbourhood, the China card has been persistent and remains as challenging as ever! There is no visible reason that we can expect this to scale down, in fact, only expect them to escalate. It is the big power game, that we have seen in history and around geographies; the chemistry is the same too, tends to get physical without provocation. Within the Indian Ocean, across the Himalayas, the narrative is the same. We have more of a shared history and sense of community with our neighbours than any other country can lay claim to. Our soft power around films, sports and tourism must remain open, promoted for greater goodwill and people to people connect, which will matter most. Our South Asian neighbours are best targets to begin with, as India remains the big thorn in the Chinese grand plans and encircling India has been one of the priorities. The string of pearls has been around as strategy that we in India have tended to either overlook or dismiss. Smaller countries c

The Recent Mayhem at IGIA: A Call for Course Correction!

Why just the fog? A breakdown can happen suddenly, anywhere, not just in India but at any airport globally. Emergencies are of this nature only. It was that time of the year when Delhi, the capital city, is besieged with fog. It is an every-year occurrence, nothing unusual. While reports and analysis suggest a complete breakdown of services alongside uncalled for misery on the hapless fliers, as an aftermath, the government is said to be considering new guidelines. The Minister has called for setting up a war room, a need of the hour at all airports. Like airlines must have intime information on incoming flights, share actual position with regard to expected departure times, etc. Also, inordinate delays cannot be carried on endlessly; flights that are more than three hours delayed must get cancelled. These are some most welcome steps, but there is another and perhaps a deeper malaise that these events point out towards – inherent weaknesses in the system, absence of basic Operational P

2024: A Year of New Beginnings!

We wish everyone in our family, our neighbourhood, our city, our country, the region and globally, each and everyone. A happy and healthy new year ahead! As we increasingly realise how we are becoming inter-dependent upon each other, every life matters, it is a common good we are chasing. Yet, we are daunted by the innumerable ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, the uncertainty of triggers around us? Overall, we live on hope, in the benevolence of the gods we worship, as ultimately there can only be only ONE God. Let us hope we can give HIM a new common name, and worship him. Meanwhile, we look back at the year gone by, look at some of the signal milestones and pray for an all round better and happier new year. This last month has been nothing short of being explosive. Signalling an end to 2023, in a not too happy note. Too many events, issues, and rancour on the national scene. Gaali galoch was finding new levels, lower than ever before. And, if you thought once we had reached the nadir, there was a st