The Shifting Sands of Indian Democracy

A Closely Fought Election, a Tribute to every Indian who Voted, a Vote for Indian Democracy, a Mature Mandate We close this article on the evening of 4 June, just in time for the deadline of this month’s issue. A new government is yet to be announced. But we do have some initial learning curves in our country’s march of democracy. This election will definitely add a few feathers to our cap as the world’s largest democracy, conducting our polls to the envy of many a nation. Here are some random pointers. End Result: A Vote for Modi! Let There be No Doubt There is no getting away from the fact that Narendra Modi is very much the single-most charismatic Indian leader. It was his fight, his mandate, his energy that resonated over the length and breadth of the country. He has been chastened but not beaten. It is during the last decade, under his leadership, that has brought about a new recognition of India as a potential power in the global play. Yes, we have not arrived there yet, but we w...