What’s ITC’s Journey in Responsible Tourism Means for Indian Hospitality!

Responsible Luxury has been the codename for all things at ITC Hotels! Going Green has been their mantra for many years now, long before we heard all this talk of climate change. What has this journey been like, and at what cost? How will this translate into Responsible Tourism for the country at large, for all its stakeholders. We met with Nakul Anand, Director Hotels, ITC on how much the industry has moved towards green tourism. It was one thing to achieve targets for all your owned properties. How do you take this message to hotels you run as different kinds of joint ventures? Speaking with the owners, we have a master plan to convert all hotels at some time into some form of a sustainable feature and classification. What exactly would that be, we are working on various blueprints, et cetera, but very clearly we would continue with our progression and take it further to managed properties, take it further to the other franchised properties like WelcomHeritage; even if it be a f...